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Blogs / 27.03.2025
National Supported Internships Day
Samantha Hill, Job Coach, works for Forward2Employment, who Compass Group UK & Ireland – Healthcare, team with for Supported Internships. Here she tells us about the work we partner on at Darent Valley Hospital
I come from a clinical background, but moved into this role of helping with supported internships last year in September.
Supported internships are a work-based study programme for young people aged 16-24 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and an Educational Healthcare plan (EHCP) – they are designed to help the young people gain skills and experience for paid employment.
The provision I work for, Forward2Employment, works alongside Fortis Trust to support young people in the Kent and Medway areas to find permanent and purposeful employment.
It is my role to act as a Job Coach. I work with each intern helping them to build up their confidence and skills to move into the world of work and also become more independent in their daily lives. I am currently placed at Darent Valley Hospital working in partnership with Medirest. We have six young people working in a number of roles here including Portering, Retail, Ward Hosts and Patient Catering. But there is so much more scope to move into other roles in the future such as Domestics.
The programme runs alongside an academic year and during this time we teach the interns not only the role, but the soft skills that go alongside employment such as team work and time keeping. I work with each intern and together we set aims for development and progress in terms of academic and personal targets. We are continually developing their skills to manage with work and daily life, tailoring the service they receive depending on their needs, alongside Medirest teams.
During their time with us at Forward2Employment we cover work skills, recruitment processes including CV writing and interview techniques. We also cover life skills ranging from using public transport, budgeting and real-life finance, time management and day planning.
Our ultimate aim is to help young people become more independent and ensure they have the right skills to succeed.
The six interns I am currently working with in partnership with Medirest, are making excellent progress and it has been such a great and rewarding experience watching them grow in both confidence and ability.
We really hope to expand this partnership further in the future to enable more young people with SEND the same rights to employment as any other young person may have.
Let’s hear from some of the supported interns from our Medirest team:
Amy - “Since starting at F2E under a Supported Internship I feel like my confidence has grown, because I am able to talk more to other people.
My Job Coach has helped me a lot as she is someone I can go to if I have any problems or questions. She also helps by supporting me and the staff I work with, to develop my role in the kitchen.
I have really enjoyed my time with F2E and my placement in the Wellspring restaurant so far.’
Harry - “While at F2E I really wanted to become more independent with my travel and using a bus. The job coaches have supported me in learning how to do this during enrichment trips and for my work placement. I also enjoyed learning how to budget in classes.
I have been working at the hospital since November last year and it has been helpful having a Job Coach here with me, as it gives me more confidence.’
Charlie – “I am really enjoying my placement as a Porter. I feel coming into a workplace with a job coach meant I could be supported in managing my role. Job Coaches have supported me in learning how to budget my money.’
Sonny - “I have found my work placement really good and I have grown in confidence. I am now in a role I enjoy and would love to get a job in. Job Coaches have really helped me and supported me where I needed it.’
Chris Minter, Contract Director, Darent Valley, Medirest: “It has been a pleasure to support these interns and watch them progress and grow. Our Medirest teams have worked hard to support them and share experience, knowledge and expertise. We look forward to working closely together in the future and continuing to support their journeys.”