Hospital Cleaning Services /
Efficient, high-quality hospital cleaning services to create a healing environment
Hospital Cleaning That Protects
Our proven a+ cleaning system uses advanced medical cleaning technologies and techniques to provide a hospital environment that’s compliant with all relevant regulations. Our experts work closely with the NHS to develop and implement national cleaning standards, most recently establishing infection control systems for COVID-19. We’re vigilant about hygiene, and many of the hospitals we serve consistently have cleanliness PLACE scores of 100%.

Exceeding Healthcare Cleaning Services Standards
The a+ cleaning system is the perfect combination of products, processes and people to deliver safe, high-quality cleaning. Our system covers all cleaning requirements, from traditional mop and bucket or microfibre cleaning, to HPV cleaning or UVC decontamination processes. And our network of cleaning and infection control leads makes sure all our medical cleaning services staff follow our protocols at all times and pass regular compliance audits.
Our highly responsive teams work in close partnership with your clinicians and infection control leads, adapting quickly to ward-specific needs. Every one of our 4,000 cleaners across the UK understands how critical it is to meet national cleaning standards – and is proud to provide a service that frequently exceeds them.

Advancing Cleaning Through Innovation
We know our a+ cleaning system can meet your requirements – but that doesn’t stop our drive to go further. Through our investment in innovation, we’re always on the lookout for more efficient ways to offer planned and reactive hospital deep cleaning. And we constantly review our processes to align them with your evolving priorities.
Recent innovations include developing new operational models to support patient flow within the hospital, making valuable productivity improvements to turn round discharge cleans faster. We’ve also invested in an electronic auditing system to streamline our compliance processes and are exploring robotics as cleaning solutions.